The average time for exchange is about 5 minutes.
You can track the progress on the exchange page.
100% Limitless Exchange
98% Triumph Rate
95% Satisfied Clients
Select the cryptocurrency you want to exchange
Choose a cryptocurrency pair to exchange. On the FAST-CHANGE platform, you can exchange digital currencies at a fixed or floating rate.
Enter your crypto wallet address
Enter the crypto wallet address to receive funds.
How to exchange cryptocurrency
The exchanged cryptocurrency will go to your crypto wallet within a few minutes.
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4,5 minutes
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You can start from less than $2 and swap as much crypto as you want – there is no upper limit
Gain access to decentralized liquidity of Uniswap and Pancakeswap through
We retains your privacy and guarantees security.
are a non-custodial exchange service
3 simple steps to start
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Our site is an automatic cryptocurrency exchanger. With us you can exchange any crypto-coin for any of those presented by our system. Our platform is based on decentralized finance (DeFi) services, which means there is no limit to the amount of cryptocurrency you can exchange and no registration required. The minimum exchange amount is determined only by the commission of the target cryptocurrency and is usually around 2 USD.
The interface of our proven cryptocurrency exchangers cryptocurrency exchange has been designed to be intuitive and user friendly:
The exchange process itself takes only a few seconds, but the time for confirming a deposit and then depositing it into your wallet depends on the network performance of the respective cryptocurrencies and can sometimes take longer.
Michel M.
Antonio R.
Sarah W.